

We take the privacy of our members very seriously. Members addresses and contact details are not intentionally displayed to the public on the web pages.

Digital Contact Collection for all Club Events

From 2020, the governments of Australian states and the Australian Federal Government has enacted new laws pertaining to keeping records of contact details for all events. For our usual club activities this has simply meany that we now collect sign IN details digitally. This is sufficient for us to comply with pandemic contact tracing requirements. Since there may be penalties for false or misleading entries to digital collection, we strongly urge members and event guests to ensure the information they provide is complete and accurate.

Digital Contact Collection for Public Events

Our club organized events are no exception to the new contact tracing laws. The exact nature and requirement may change from time to time depending on government requirements. As we have already stated there now can be serious penalties for supplying false or misleading information. We strongly urge member of the public to carefully check their information before they submit the form.

How We handle data provided for contact tracing.

We will only ask for information that would be available in the public space. Generally if you have a phone and live at an address that information would be easily found. The collected data will only be accessible by nominated club members charged with the duty of setting up and managing the data. It will only be released directly to approved government officials if requested to comply with state and federal laws.

Material on this website

Information such as the office bearers, club photos and much other information requires a username and password for access. Members of the Emu Park Lions Club may request this via e-mail.

What if I would like to contact a club member?

If you wish to contact a person who you think may be a member of the Emu Park Lions club, please contact us with your details and the person you wish to contact. Your request will be sent on the the member.

What if you have concerns about material on this website?

If you believe information presented on the web site should not be visible to the public, please contact us and let us know. Please copy the page address and paste to your message with details of your concerns to:-